Configuration & Change Management 2004/4

April 2004
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5 6 7 8 91011

This category should accumlate links and information relating to the discipline of Configuration Management in software engineering. It may also have postings related to general change management processes organization's use to manage their general IT infrastructure as well as software development.

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Use Jython to Write Ant Tasks

This is an article I wrote that looks at how to add scripted behaviour to ant builds. It details the steps to write a custom Ant task in Jython, compile it and install it into Ant so it can be used as any other task in an ant build. The article also takes a quick look at an alternate implementation using Groovy.

posted at 00:03:12    #

Source Control Best Practices: A must read for developers [Paul Hammant : Inversionism]

Points out a good article on best practices for versioning oriented SCM systems.

Source: java.blogs Day's Entries
posted at 16:56:32    #

Ant 1.6.1 import and macrodef for modular build files [system log]

Ant is growing up. Here is an example of someone working through refactoring their build to take advantage of the new import and macrodef features in Ant 1.6.1.

The main features I have used are the 'import' task and the 'macrodef' task. The 'import' task imports (duh) a another ant file and includes it in the current file. Macrodef is a way to define a new Ant task in an Ant build itself. Macrodef allows you to define standard tasks that have attributes and elements given to them when they are called.

Sounds like Ant is getting stronger and smarter. Here is a good introduction by Mike Spille that explains why the import feature means we can finally use Ant in large enterprise builds.

posted at 12:57:36    #
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