Jython Bibliography

August 2005
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Comprehensive Jython Bibliography covering published articles and books. Now updated for 2004.

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Jython Bibliography

Jython Bibliography

  1. "Customizing WebSphere Studio to use the Struts Scripting tool with ActionClasses in Jython." Hervàs Laura, Alvarez, Luis. IBM DeveloperWorks. 2005. http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0503_gomez/0503_gomez.html

  2. "Use Jython to Exercise Java APIs Without Compiling." Tillman, Doug. www.devx.com. 2005. http://www.devx.com/Java/Article/27571/1954?pf=true

  3. "alt.lang.jre: Get to know Jython - Enhance your productivity on the Java platform." Barry A. Feigenbaum. IBM developerWorks. July 2004. http://www-130.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-alj07064/index.html?ca=drs-tp2804

  4. "An Introduction to Jython." Urban, Michael. Javalobby. 2004. http://www.javalobby.org/articles/jython/

  5. "Cartwheel/FamilyJewels: a framework for analysis and visualization of DNA." C. Titus Brown. Py Pyzine. June 2004. http://www.pyzine.com/Issue006/Section_Articles/article_BioInformaticsP1.html?printit=1

  6. "Extend your Java Application with Embedded Languages." Jack D. Herrington. DevX.com. 2004. http://www.devx.com/Java/Article/21456/1954?pf=true

  7. "Jython Webapp Tutorial - Part 1 - Writing Servlets in Jython." McGrath, Sean. http://seanmcgrath.blogspot.com. 2004. http://seanmcgrath.blogspot.com/JythonWebAppTutorialPart1.html

  8. "Learn how to write DB2 JDBC tools in Jython." Victor Yang. IBM developerWorks. April 2004. http://www-130.ibm.com/developerworks/db2/library/techarticle/dm-0404yang/index.html

  9. "Simplify Web development with Jython, Spring and Velocity." Thomas Risberg. BuggyBean. April 2004. http://jroller.com/page/buggybean/20040419#simlify_web_development_with_jython

  10. "The Testing Toolbox." Frank Cohen. Software Development. July 2004. http://www.sdmagazine.com/documents/s=9218/sdm0407a/sdm0407a.html?temp=tijli89ENi

  11. "Use Jython to build JUnit test suites - Python and Java technology work together to solve the impossible." Michael Nadel. IBM Developerworks. May 2004. http://www-130.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jythtest.html

  12. "Use Jython to Write Ant Tasks." Ed Taekema. Road Warrior Collaboration. 2004. http://www.pycs.net/users/0000177/stories/11.html

  13. "Write Eclipse JUnit Tests in Jython." Laurent Ploix, Amaury Forgeot d'Arc. www.devx.com. December 2004. http://www.devx.com/Java/26602/1954?pf=true

  14. "Writing Threaded Applications in Jython." Frank Cohen. PushToTest.com. 2004. http://www.pushtotest.com/Docs/howto/jythonthreads.html

  15. "A Look At Jython." Rob Tougher. Linux Gazette. December 2003. http://linuxgazette.net/issue97/tougher.html

  16. "Book Review: Two Jython Titles." Samuele Pedroni, Noel Rappin. UnixReview.Com. March 2003. http://www.unixreview.com/documents/s=7822/ur0303f/

  17. "Charming Jython - Learn how the Java implementation of Python can aid your development efforts." Ogbuji, Uche. IBM DeveloperWorks. May 2003. http://www-130.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jython.html

  18. "Jython3D : Python and Java3D." R J Smallshire. http://www.smallshire.org.uk. October 2003. http://www.smallshire.org.uk/jython3d.htm

  19. "Scripting with Jython Instead of XML." Jonathan Simon. Java.net. 2003. http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2003/06/10/jython.html

  20. "Story of Jython." Jim Hugunin. hugunin.net. 2003. http://hugunin.net/story_of_jython.html

  21. "Thinking in Patterns - Problem-Solving Techniques using Java." Bruce Eckel. http://mindview.net/Books/TIPatterns/. 2003.

  22. "Using Python, Jython, and Lucene to Search Outlook Email." Jon Udell. XML.com. May 2003. http://webservices.xml.com/pub/a/ws/2003/05/13/email.html

  23. "What's So Good About Jython?." Simon White. Dev Articles. July 2003. http://www.devarticles.com/index2.php?option=content&task=view&id=603&pop=1&page=0&hide_js=1

  24. "Database Development in Jython with zxJDBC." Robert Bill. SAMS. March 2002. http://www.samspublishing.com/articles/printerfriendly.asp?p=26143

  25. "Extending Jython." Robert Bill. informIT. March 2002. http://www.informit.com/articles/printerfriendly.asp?p=26127

  26. "Gumbie: A GUI Generator for Jython." Brinkman, Peter. Dr. Dobbs Journal. 2002. http://www.ddj.com/documents/s=7027/ddj0204e/

  27. "Jython Essentials." Samuele Pedroni, Noel Rappin. O'Reilly and Associates. 2002.

  28. "Jython Tips for Python Programmers." Noel Rappin. ONLamp.com. April 2002. http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2002/04/11/jythontips.html

  29. "Python Programming with the Java Class Libraries: A Tutorial for Building Web and Enterprise Applications." Richard Hightower. Addison-Wesley Publishing. 2002.

  30. "Server-Side Web Programming with Jython." Bill, Robert. informIT. May 2002. http://www.informit.com/articles/printerfriendly.asp?p=26865

  31. "Tips for Scripting Java with Jython." Rappin, Noel. O'Reilly On Java.com. 2002. http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2002/03/27/jython.html

  32. "Jython for Java Programmers." Robert Bill. New Riders. 2001.

  33. "Scripting power saves the day for your Java apps." Ramnivas Laddad. Java World. October 1999. http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-10-1999/jw-10-script_p.html

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last change 2005-08-05 02:47:28

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