Updated: 18/09/2002; 11:22:00 p.m..
Python Community Server: Development
A weblog about programming in Python, C#, Java, Perl and C++ - and the occasional comment on PyCS development

Thursday, 12 September 2002

Another screenshot.  Note that this time, it's a WYSIWYG HTML editor, so I don't need to type in the links by myself any more.

This is great fun.  I still need to manually type in HTML to include images, but I can hit the WYSIWYG button down in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen afterwards and get an instant update to see if I've got everything right.

Good fun.

3:24:24 AM    comment []

It's getting there.

I'm posting this through it. It has been quite happily posting to one of my phpStorageSystem test blogs this evening.

Time to plug in the Internet Explorer HTML editor. That will make the whole thing worthwhile ;-)
2:41:03 AM    comment []

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