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Dear Friend=2C
As you read this=2C I don't want you to feel sorry for me=2C because=2C I believe death is unavoidable=2E=2E
My name is ANDRE LUCAS a business merchant in Durban=2C South Africa=2E I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer =2EIt has defiled all forms of medical treatment=2C and right now I have only about a few months to live=2C according to medical experts in Italy=2E I have not particularly lived my life so well=2C as I never really cared for anyone=28not even myself=29but my business=2E Though I am very rich=2C I was never generous=2C I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for=2EBut now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world=2E I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it=2E Now that God has called me=2C I have willed and gave most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended family members as well as a few close friends=2E
I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul so=2C I have decided to give alms to charity organizations=2C as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth=2E So far=2C I have distributed money to some charity organization in Algeria and Rwanda=2E Now that my health has deteriorated so badly=2C I cannot do this myself anymore=2E I once asked members of my family to closeone of my accounts and distribute the money which I have in the bank to charity organization in Somalia and Uganda=2C they refused and kept the money to themselves=2E Hence=2C I do not trust them anymore=2C as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them=2E
The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of Nine Million United State Dollars $9=2C000=2C000=2C00 that I have with a finance brokers and Security underwriters in Europe=2C this financial company operates in funds management=2Cinternational cash=2Cbanking with a reputable correspondent bank worldwide=2Cbullion underwriting=2Csecurity handling and general appropriation=2E I will want you to assist me transfer this deposit into your bank account and dispatched it to charity organizations =2EPlease kindly contact me through the above telephone number for more details=2EKeep this confidential and treat with discretion=2Cwhile i await to hear from you=2E
I have set aside 15% for you and for your assistance=2E
God be with you=2E
Andre Lucas=2E

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