from __future__ import * 22.1.2004


strings-ing CoreGraphics

I was poking around to see if it was possible to run a separate virtual WindowServer (for non-root daemons to use without a logged in user). Of course, this isn't supposed to be possible, and certainly doesn't seem to be.

However, I did find some interesting things:
  • WindowServer is just a bootstrap binary, it calls a single function in the CoreGraphics framework to start up.

  • Probably has libpng, libz, libjpeg statically linked (and something to read LZW, but I'm not familiar with those headers).

  • These might be possible command line options:

    • ServerEnvironment

    • -debug

    • console

    • -daemon

    • -exit

    • -virtual

    • -virtualonly

  • All of that -psn and CFM launching garbage has to do with CoreGraphics (I see 'Joy!' and '-psn' in here)

  • It has a reason to check to see if the CoreGraphics server and client have the same endian (maybe a remote mach port on the LAN?)

  • It can probably log a whole bunch of fun debugging stuff to /tmp (probably with -debug)

  • Somehow there's a reason to have the string "Photoshop 3.0" in there?

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