Speno's Pythonic Avocado 18.6.2004


A. Avocados all around!

Ah! The humble avocado. My favorite fruit. Given the name of this blog, it's time I said something about them.

The haas variety of avocado are the most common. With so much fat and fiber, they are low-carb friendly , delicious, and very good for you . Alas, they're expensive around here. The best regular price I've seen is $1.50 per fruit. A few times a year, the local Whole Foods has them on sale for $1, but you can only use so many before they turn brown and mushy. I buy them firm, and ripen them in individual brown paper bags, checking on them after a few days. There's something very satisfying about cutting open a perfect avocado...

Danger! Trader Joe's is now selling bags of frozen, pitted avocado halves. These things are the most vile, disgusting tasting avocados I have ever had the misfortune of attempting to eat. You have been warned. Stick with their pre-made guacamole, which is actually a pretty good base for making your own guac by adding ripe jersey tomatoes and fresh cilantro.

Allez cuisine!

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One python programmer's search for understanding and avocados. This isn't personal, only pythonic.

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