Python Rocks! and other rants 23.4.2004


Why I love Python

The code I wrote last night to build a Map of Maps shows one reason why I like Python so much - it is so easy to work with collections!

I wrote a sample app that shows the same thing in Java and Python. The requirement is to take a list of triples of strings in the form

[ language code, item id, localized string ]

and build a two level Map from language code => item id => data triple. Both examples include a simple test driver which prints:

This is a test
C'est un essai
no data
Another test
no data

Java version

Here is the Java version abstracted from the code I wrote last night. It is 56 lines and 1797 characters. The functional part of the code (excluding main()) is 38 lines.

import java.util.*;

public class Test {

  private Map _map = new HashMap();
  public Test(String[][] data) {
      // Convert the input data to a two-level Map from language code => course ID => locale data
      for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
              String[] itemData = data[i];
          String lang = itemData[0];
          Map langMap = (Map)_map.get(lang);
          if (langMap == null) {
              langMap = new HashMap();
              _map.put(lang, langMap);
          String id = itemData[1];
          langMap.put(id, itemData);
  public String lookup(String lang, String id, String defaultData) {
      Map langMap = (Map)_map.get(lang);
      if (langMap == null) return defaultData;
      String[] itemData = (String[])langMap.get(id);
      if (itemData == null) return defaultData;
      String title = itemData[2];
      if (title == null || title.length() == 0)
          return defaultData;

      return title;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      String[][] data = {
          { "en", "123", "This is a test" },
          { "fr", "123", "C'est un essai" },
          { "es", "123", "" },
          { "en", "345", "Another test" }
      Test test = new Test(data);
      System.out.println(test.lookup("en", "123", "no data"));
      System.out.println(test.lookup("fr", "123", "no data"));
      System.out.println(test.lookup("es", "123", "no data"));
      System.out.println(test.lookup("en", "345", "no data"));
      System.out.println(test.lookup("fr", "345", "no data"));       

Python version

And here is the Python version. It is 34 lines and 1036 characters. The functional part of the code (excluding main) is 17 lines. That is roughly 40% shorter than the Java version.

class Test:
  def __init__(self, data):
      # Convert the input data to a two-level Map from language code => course ID => locale data
      self._map = {}
      for itemData in data:
          lang, id = itemData[:2]
          self._map.setdefault(lang, {})[id] = itemData

  def lookup(self, lang, id, defaultData):
      itemData = self._map.get(lang, {}).get(id)
      if  not itemData:
          return defaultData
      return itemData[2] or defaultData
if __name__ == '__main__':
  data = [
          [ "en", "123", "This is a test" ],
          [ "fr", "123", "C'est un essai" ],
          [ "es", "123", "" ],
          [ "en", "345", "Another test" ]
  test = Test(data);

  print test.lookup("en", "123", "no data")
  print test.lookup("fr", "123", "no data")
  print test.lookup("es", "123", "no data")
  print test.lookup("en", "345", "no data")
  print test.lookup("fr", "345", "no data")

I know which version I prefer!

So how come I'm using Java?

Sigh. I chickened out.

I work in a predominantly Java shop. The project I am working on could grow to a GUI app or a web app or both. I'm familiar with Java Swing, Jetty web server and servlets. I know that there is a great variety of mature tools available for writing Java web apps. I have support available at work if I need help.

On the Python side, I would have to learn wxPython and/or one of the Python web app frameworks like WebWork or Quixote. I don't get such warm fuzzy feelings about the completeness of these frameworks, both in features and release quality. I would be working on my own and out on a limb if I had any problems.

In the end, I decided it was too great a risk so I went with the safer solution.


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Comments about life, the universe and Python, from the imagination of Kent S Johnson.

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© 2004, Kent Johnson