Python Rocks! and other rants - Agile Development 17.4.2005
Weblog of Kent S Johnson


Will unit testing slow you down?

I am trying to encourage unit testing and test-driven development at work. As far as I know, only a few developers here are really test-infected.

I have asked several developers, "Do you write unit tests? If not, why not?". The universal response to the second question is, "I don't have time." This strikes me as strange because in my experience writing unit tests helps me to work faster, not slower. Why is that?

The immediate, short-term benefit of unit testing is that I can quickly and easily run the code I am working on. I can generally run a unit test for a single module in one or two mouse clicks. Most of my tests run in a few seconds. So when I make a change to a piece of code, I can find out almost instantly whether it works or not. As an extra benefit, work is more fun because I am writing code instead of running manual tests, and I stay in the flow because I am thinking about code instead of switching gears to run tests.

An intangible benefit is the confidence I have that the code is working because the tests pass. It's a great feeling to write a module with a test suite and know without a doubt that the module is doing what I want it to.

A long-term benefit that affects development speed is the impact on code quality. This has several facets. First, the code is likely to have few defects because it is thoroughly tested. This cuts down on the time I must spend later in debugging and rework. Second, because unit tests impose some constraints on modularity and coupling, the code tends to be well-structured. Finally, with the safety net of the unit tests I have freedom to refactor as needed, so the structure remains appropriate to the job at hand. Each of these facets improves the readability, maintainability and reusability of the code, and that directly impacts productivity.

I don't want to gloss over the down side of unit testing. There are occasional speed bumps. Typically they come when I have to figure out how to test something new and I have to take the time to figure out how to write the test and integrate it into my build. This doesn't happen too often; usually I can reuse a similar setup from another part of the project, or a framework I already have.

The initial hump that keeps people from unit testing at all is one of these speed bumps. To get started, you do have to figure out how to use a test framework such as JUnit. I recommend asking for help - JUnit is really not that hard to use, and a simple example can go a long way.

Then there are the times when I make a change that breaks a test and I have to go fix it. For example I might change a data format, a test data set, or the signature of a function. This is annoying but easy to deal with.

Even with these drawbacks, I see unit testing as a huge win for productivity.

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