Python Rocks! and other rants - Java 22.4.2004


10x speedup ain't bad!

I am working on some of the worst code I have seen in years. About the best thing I can say for it is, it's mercifully short - 800 lines of Java with eight comments. (The second best thing is that it isn't in VB. The last truly horrible code I worked on was a VB monster with a 4000-line loop and case statement at its heart.)

The main loop is 250 lines. I don't think the author understood recursion; there are four separate stacks that maintain state in the loop! I'm not sure yet but I think they will all be replaced by recursive calls.

The loop builds a 5 MB XML structure in a StringBuffer, then writes it out to a file! Um, why not just write it to a file directly? Well, the StringBuffers are on one of the stacks so I have to sort that out first.

It has wonderfully readable conditional code like this:

if (isNoLocale() == false) ...

And the clincher - the program uses 16,285 localizations. They are keyed by language code and id. So how do you think the program was accessing this data? It put it all in a List and searched sequentially for a match!!! Yikes!

When I first ran the program it took 191 seconds to create the file.

So today's wins were to - Refactor the CSV reader part of the code into a separate class and clean that up, including changing the line items from Maps to Lists. Time to generate the file: 119 sec. - Build a two-level Map so the localizations can be looked up directly instead of by exhaustive search. Time to generate the file: 19 seconds!

And what does this have to do with anything, anyway? Well, I have to rant every once in a while or I will have to rename my blog :-)

And what is the way out of this mess? Refactoring and unit testing, of course! I have three test files containing all the live data used by the program. Every time I make a change I regenerate them and test with XmlUnit. Now I can refactor without fear to get the program to a point where I can understand it.

Poor code structure is a performance issue! Because if you can't understand it, you can't find the bottlenecks. You can't even profile code that is all in one method.

I saw the same thing with the 4000-line VB loop. I started factoring out common code and eventually I could see where the performance problems were and do something about them.

posted at 22:50:40    #    comment []    trackback []

J2EE Design and Development, again

I really like this book. It is full of sensible, practical advice based on real experience.

For example Chapter 3 is about testing J2EE applications. The chapter starts with an introduction to Test-driven development, JUnit and best practices for testing in general. Then the author reviews several freely available testing tools including Cactus, ServletUnit, HttpUnit and Web Application Stress Tool.

Each of these tools is presented in the context of testing one aspect of a J2EE application. Short code snippets illustrate the use of the tool.

I have a hard time putting this book down. Really! OK, so I'm a geek. I admit it. And he's not Michael Crichton. But I enjoy reading the author's opinions and advice and I am learning a lot.

posted at 09:24:16    #    comment []    trackback []
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