This Ain't Rocket Science 21.5.2004


The Friday Foofah!

I figured I'd give one of these a shot. Can be fun and hey, they take up space. Besides, it's Friday and I don't want to do any real thinking.

  1. Out of the corner of your eye you see something crawling across the desk - something with a lot of legs and antennae. Do you calmly flick it off with your fingers, smash it to a pulp or run screaming out of the room?

I usually flick it away rather than smash.

  1. Lions, barracudas, sharks, eagles and tarantulas; predators all. What predator would you be (need not be from this list)?

Being from the Chicago area originally I would have to go with Da Bears, since it covers both Cubs and Bears.

  1. If you could have the attributes of one animal while retaining your human form, what would you pick? e.g. a bird's flight, a snake's venom, breathing underwater like a fish etc.

I've always thought being able to fly would be pretty cool. A lot of the other things that an animal can do are pretty limited, with flying the skies the limit.

  1. If you had a choice to give up your life and its worries and responsibilities and be a bird - would you make the switch?


posted at 15:03:12    #    comment []    trackback []

the wrong enemy

When I saw this over at A Small Victory, I felt like it should be something I commented on but I don't think that I can find the words. Some leeway needs to be given to people in grief, but when someone makes a statement like this in the press it just makes you wonder.

Source: A Small Victory
posted at 13:31:28    #    comment []    trackback []
May 2004
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My take on all things not rocket science, and a few things that are.

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© 2004, Bray