This Ain't Rocket Science 7.6.2004


Lack of Updates

The lack of updates isn't because I've soured on blogging, quite the opposite. I'm enjoying it just as much as ever. However, I've found that PyDS just isn't quite what I want as my platform. Getting it set up wasn't bad, and if you'd like to just use it out of the box, it performs quite well. The features that PyDS has when coupled with PyCS have worked as well as advertised.

My main issue with PyDS as a blogging system is that I am tied to one pc to blog from. I realize that there are ways to get around this, such as setting it up on a server somewhere, but I have neither the server, nor the know how to get something like that up and running. I realized this was the way that PyDS worked and I didn't think that it would be much of an issue, but the more I blogged the more that I wished that I could do it from both home, school, and wherever I had internet access.

My second issue stems from the community. By all accounts the people in the PyDS community are all nice people who probably know a lot more about this than I do. But there just aren't many people using PyDS compared to some of the other platforms, so the support for it is somewhat diminished by the lack of usership. I think at this point in my blogging career, a platform with a more established userbase is in my best interest.

After looking at a number of different platforms, I think that I am going to give Wordpress a whirl. It looks like it has an active community with a larger userbase than PyDS, and it should fit my needs as a blogger a bit better than PyDS is doing right now.

As soon as I find a place to host my Wordpress effort, I will post here to let anyone reading know where I will be focusing my effort.

Update: After playing around a bit with Wordpress, I'm not completely sold. After all is said and done, I may end up staying here. So I will keep trying to update as regularly as I can, and if I ever figure out another package works as well as this one, then I can always import posts over :)

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My take on all things not rocket science, and a few things that are.

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© 2004, Bray