Updated: 6/4/03; 19:22:26.
Web Archetypes and OS X

Saturday, May 24, 2003

via The Roller Website: "Roller ready to roll!" Roller, the Java weblog tool, is ready and waiting. If you are weblogger looking to explore Java, and you are interested in a server-based weblog tool, Roller provides an nice blend of Java technology.
3:46:19 PM    The Soapbox

via SitePoint.net: "Introducing XUL - The 'Net's Biggest Secret: Part 1" is an great article that "introduces" the world to XUL. I say that, because as the title suggests, not many radars have picked it up on their screen and many developers have yet to explore it.

XUL and XPCOM are a couple of by-products of the Mozilla.org project. Both are key to Mozilla's success. However, both can contribute to the success of other web projects. Plus, they can make application building a dream. So, go on over to SitePoint, and read Harry Fuecks' article and learn more about "The 'Net's Biggest Secret."

Thanks, Harry for giving us a look at XUL and PHP working together.
12:39:07 AM    The Soapbox

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