Square Rutabaga
They said never be content. So I'm micro-contenting.

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Sunday, July 13, 2003
Punch Drunk Love review

This intriguing movie avoided many opportunities for rehash and ridiculous. It could have been another franchise Adam Sandler flick, but instead I felt like I was watching a John Tuturro Christopher Walken movie.  Down to the dancing in the aisles. Adam Sandler fans may feel vindicated while Adam Sandler movie fans will probably feel as disappointed as Office Space buffs watching Haiku Tunnel.

If you relish movies to escape reality this won’t fit the bill. It captures segments of reality from loneliness to big sister boundaries (or lack thereof) in a remarkably accurate and associatively haunting manner. As the conflict bar is raised there’s an implicit concern that the next point will be cliché. This movie is rightly removed from an I Love Lucy comedy of errors. The characters are stark real, adding to the secondary concern of their goal and motivation, all the while avoiding any resemblance to your own.

Artsy? Sure, but where Kubric would have slathered on with long drawn out shots better suited for excellent magazine art, this movie carries "Scopitons": distancing near-psychedelic transitions leaving you aching for inclusion.  The constant factor of these transitions is the music splashed with the soothing tones of the movies obscure symbol: A harmonium. Tiny, smooth, organic blurts. No Siggy, I don’t think there’s anything Freudian here.

That’s that.

7:14:54 PM    , comment []

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