Square Rutabaga
They said never be content. So I'm micro-contenting.

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Thursday, October 30, 2003
Zope Opera

The biggest thread I've seen at ZopeZen has been followed up by an open letter from Zope corporate.  It's interesting in light of the fishbowl, and what happens when a walled garden grows in that fishbowl.  Nice to see a (big) Zope name I didn't recognize follow-up to this related blog entry.

Meanwhile, Zope credits remain to be updated...

10:26:02 PM    , comment []
CSI Pun Archive

Within ten minutes of tonight's "Crime Scene Investigation" the puns were so prolific I pondered starting a blog category for a CSI Pun Archive.  The show was probably titled and was ended on "Fur and Loathing in Las Vegas."*

But I can't do that. It would require watching the first two seasons again, and I can rarely make it through watching a repeat.  I'd also end up neading to categorize them, for near-puns such as Greg's "That's what you get for eating--" line, which I'm fairly sure is misquoted here. And then there's the angst filled puns from "CSI Miami." I finally got around to watching Navy NCIS last night, which was somewhat entertaining (although less polished) and left me with no memory of puns or desire to seek it out next week. Maybe they should try Tom Swifties.

If there is an actual CSI Pun archive, please leave a link to it in the comments.  In the meantime, other CSI nuances are well listed in the CSI drinking game.

* We enjoyed "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", and even "Buffallo Hunting"--spurned on to renting as it was a Terry Gilliam piece.  I also had hoped the portable Underwood typewriter I got was the one in either of these movies, but it's not.

...11 days to a muted Radio.

9:39:31 PM    , comment []

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