Stuff to do with the WikiTool

This page describes the changes I want to make with WikiTool. Feel free to send me your suggestions (Letterimage), but please check the RecentChanges first.

Big Things

Add category handling.
I want to have separate groups of Wiki nodes associated with PyDS, Python, etc, and have those nodes stored with the weblog categories (but outside of the dated directories).
Consider renaming getCloudUrlMatchingStrayLink.
We're now using it to get an editor URL matching a stray link.
Extend getCloudUrlMatchingStrayLink a little.
I'd like to see some way of specifying the link title. Just one more item in the tuple should do the trick.
Render only changed posts.
At the moment, I re-render all posts whenever you post, edit, or delete a node. That's just ghastly.
Keep track of non-Wiki items with unresolved links, or with links resolved against the Wiki.
This behaviour might have to be based in Tool or StructuredText. If I delete a Wiki node, I want posts re-rendered appropriately. See MeshTool for details.
Fix the titles.
Gaaaah. I'm thinking I might need a dynamically adjustable "reserve how many heading levels?" setting for the reST renderer, as leaving both h1 and h2 aside strikes me as being a little silly.
Add RSS.
Recently changed nodes should do the trick.
Add comments.
Fix automatic ID generation.
This is a little harder than it looks. If the unresolved text isn't a good-looking, valid URI component, we can't use it as an ID. If we mangle to make a valid ID, however, it won't resolve unless the title properly matches. So, how do we make the title properly match? More smarts in getCloudUrlMatchingStrayLink.
Add a cache of previously used link definitions.
I am so sick of looking up the reStructuredText link. Now, I could just define a Wiki node for it — and, indeed, probably will right now — but I shouldn't have to do that all the time.

Little Things

  • Document the hidden keystrokes. On Windows platforms, at least, Alt-S will save. Alt-E will edit. Alt-N is new. I should add Alt-H for home. As Georg helpfully pointed out, Macs don't have an Alt key. In general, you should use whichever meta-key applies to accesskey attributes on form items and links.

  • Add a quick way to jump to the upstreamed version of a node from index_html.

  • In upstreamed renderings, offer a quick way to get back to the Wiki index.

  • Fix trashing by rename; it's currently possible to rename one node over another without any warning whatsoever.

  • Eliminate spaces from IDs. Oops.

  • Track down the bug by which


    in WikiTool didn't work properly addressing a subnode, but


    did just fine.

last change 2003-05-29 12:29:20

Garth is testing PyDS rather more extensively than at first he thought he would.

XML-Image Letterimage

© 2004, Garth T Kidd