Random thoughts... 2004/2



Dutch language entry

Voetballers praten raar. En dan doel ik niet op de Nederlandse voetbalfilosoof Johan Cruyff (je weet wel, van "un momento dado") maar op de gemiddelde Nederlandse voetballer die plotseling een microfoon voor zijn neus ziet verschijnen en gevraagd wordt naar zijn inzichten over de zojuist gespeelde wedstrijd.

Voetballers praten namelijk heel erg vaak over zichzelf in tweede persoon enkelvoud, bijvoorbeeld als volgt: "Nou kijk, vorige week ben je dan geblesseerd geraakt en dan hoop je heel de week dat je er deze week bij kan zijn. Gedurende de week blijkt dan dat je toch snel herstelt, nou, en dan zet je nu toch gewoon een goede wedstrijd neer en scoor je er twee en en dan heb je toch laten zien dat je in vorm bent". Of: "Deze week hoor je dan dat je niet geselecteerd bent voor het Nederlands elftal en dat is dan toch een teleurstelling voor je maar daar zet je je dan overheen en dan sta je er nu gewoon weer".

Ben ik nou de enige die dit raar vind? Wat is er mis met de eerste persoon enkelvoud ("ik")?

posted at 13:33:04    #    comment []    trackback []


This entry is just to announce that I released a small open source program (the sslsmurf) that can be used to capture HTTPS session data in clear text...

Look here...

posted at 13:09:36    #    comment []    trackback []

A blast from the past...

You might not know this about me, but I spent the first couple of years of my professional career as an MVS systems programmer; first with MVS/XA and later with MVS/ESA. I switched to Unix in the early 1990's, but I still believe that my MVS and mainframe experience played an important role in creating the Unix guru whose words you are reading now (and so modest too :-)

I love complex operating systems and I am also very fond of solving perplexing and puzzling problems. Hence I always kept a soft spot for the IBM mainframe and the MVS operating system. However since mainframes are well outside my budgettary and electrical power constraints I have not worked with MVS for a long time.

However, last week a student pointed me to the Hercules emulator, a complete System 370, 390 and z/Architecture emulator (running under Linux and Windows) capable of running every classic and modern version of MVS, DOS/VSE, VM and Linux/390. My heart exploded with joy and I must admit that I did not sleep for many nights...

I downloaded the emulator and got it running in no time. The Hercules community is a knowing bunch of folks with many years of MVS experience (so nice to be the among the younger members of a group once again :-).

So now I have MVS/370 3.8j running on my laptop, and thinking about playing with VM, and I want to install Linux/390 (to port some software), and of course try to get my hands on a recent release of z/OS, and .... and .... and ....

What about these pictures:

Is this cool or what?

posted at 12:01:20    #    comment []    trackback []

Orkut -- What's up with this?

The Orkut virus (see http://www.orkut.com) is spreading like wildfire. This weekend I was invited by an acquaintance to join an online community called "Orkut". Leaving the name aside for a moment (in Dutch it has somewhat raunchy connotations) it is a rather lame implementation of an online community. Thirteen to the dozen, I would guess.

Nonetheless I invited a couple of other folks and at the moment my network of "friends" is growing like mad because the complete Dutch Unix hacker community is flocking to Orkut and linking to each other as "friends"...

I suspect this too, will pass...

posted at 08:57:52    #    comment []    trackback []


I am bushed right now. I teamed up with a couple of hundred American Football enthusiasts for a SuperBowl party with unlimited food (American style buffet) and drinks (which included Miller beer to help create the Real American Atmosphere). Due to the time difference the game lasted until 4:30am, which meant we hit the sack at 5am. This is kinda hard on yourself if you have to get up at 6:45am in order to beat the traffic to Amstelveen... :-(

But, on the brighter side, "my team" (the New England Patriots) won!!! Yihaaaaaaaaaa!

posted at 07:06:56    #    comment []    trackback []
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