the rock garden

I have a rock garden. Last week three of them died...


Today's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why.

Well, it's a beautiful day here. About 70 degrees F. Windows and kitchen door open, trying to warm up the house to the outside temp for free :)
It's May 6, otherwise known as the Day After Cinco de Mayo. I am in bad shape. Some people who call themselves my 'friends' decided to get some tequila...
I am now running OS X and Ubuntu Linux on the iBook. I will not pretend to have formed any allegiances. Looking back over my blog I realize that I reload my machines constantly, saying I will stick to the operating system du jour for reasons x, y, and z. Dumb that, just admit you will constantly be trying new things.
I am in a class that is 98% programming in MatLab. I am enjoying it a great deal. I now have MatLab running on my girlfriend's Windows laptop, and recently got the Mac OS X version going on my laptop. Great fun :) Just plotting math functions etcetera, solving simple problems. I'll post one up on the blog.
My girl is in Florida for a cousin's college graduation. So I'm up to my own devices for a couple days.
I'm thinking of watching a movie, Bad Santa perhaps or something similar while I recover. Six of us drank about 75 beers and a $50 bottle of Patron tequila last night. I grilled 8 cheeseburgers, 16 hot dogs, 10 bratwurst, and 4 steak kebabs of the course of the night. We also had two bags of chips, a bag of pretzel rods, and four packs of cigarettes. We burned two logs and a big pile of sticks in the chiminea(sp?). Quite a night. I crashed hard at 3am and then there were three. Their night ended at dawn about 6am. I forced down some water and aspirin at 8:30 and struggled to keep it down for 15 minutes so it could be ingested. Body processed water, promptly fell back asleep for four more hours.
Ubuntu isn't so bad, most things just work. I tried too hard setting up my wireless, you can actually do it the easy way on Ubuntu. Hooray. Also button 2 and 3 emulation are automatically set up for you. Unfortunately they are mapped differently than I usually do it; the sysctl settings are not the whole equation. There must be another layer that makes that happen, and I don't care enough to figure it out. I'll just learn the new way. Unfortunately the letters m and r written in permanent marker over my F10 and F11 keys symbolizing 'middle' and 'right' clicking are inaccurate now...
I might play with the plotting/graphing capabilities in OpenOffice. It's installed by default.
I was able to burn the iso image for Ubuntu, and then putting the right files on my bootstrap HFS partition and changing yaboot.conf. Booting from OFW I was able to start the install, which automatically found the firewire cdrom drive and began installing from it. Only needed one more package, linux-wlan-ng, and I was in business!
PCU is on, funny but annoying.
Q: How many existentialists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Two. One to screw it in and one to observe how the light bulb
itself symbolizes a single incandescent beacon of subjective
 reality in a netherworld of endless absurdity reaching out toward a
 maudlin cosmos of nothingness.
 When Saturn is in the 4th moon the Prince will be at the gate.

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