This Ain't Rocket Science 9.6.2004


for word geeks

For what it's worth I got 159 out of 200. It was a fun little quiz, even if some of the words were really far out there.

Source: A Small Victory
posted at 13:54:56    #    comment []    trackback []

Narnia Movie

It appears that there is a Narnia movie in the works scheduled for a release in 2005.

I've never really been a big Narnia fan and I'm not sure why. I never really got into the series when I was young and by the time I was in college I had to read C.S. Lewis writing on theology which didn't make me a big fan.

That being said, and all geek jokes aside, I'm glad to see it being made into a movie. It's nice to see some quality fantasy movies being made. With all the plotless disaster movies or horribly written action movies, I could use a good dose of well developed characters and plot. Granted that a fantasy movie doesn't guarantee these, after all there have been really horrible fantasy movies too, but when taking material from an enduring series the odds of making a decent movie have to be pretty good.

Source: it comes in pints?
posted at 11:14:56    #    comment []    trackback []

Why Garfield Won't Flop

The Curmudgeons have an article on the upcoming Garfield movie. Undoubtedly it will make money and be commercially successful on name recognition alone, even though the trailers show it to be a horrible movie that not even Bill Murray can save.

Source: The All-New All-Different Howling Curmudgeons
posted at 10:21:36    #    comment []    trackback []
June 2004
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My take on all things not rocket science, and a few things that are.

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