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scplugin progress

IMPORTANT: If you are using SCPlugin and building from Subversion: Please get an updated copy. I found a rather serious defect that MAY CAUSE data loss.

Tonight I was finally able to add rudimentary commit support working under subversion. The UI pretty cloely resembles the status window, with the addition of a text area for adding log messages. In the file status area, checkboxes give the user the ability to remove files from the commit before proceeding.

The UI also enforces a few rules on how commit works. A log message is required, and only files that are VERSIONED and MODIFIED will be committed. If either of these conditions fail, the user is present with an appropriate alert.

There are still a few things that could be improved:

  • No feedback is given while the commit is running. On large filesets, this CAN be a lengthy process.
  • No positive feedback is given when the commit succeeds. At the least, the latest version number should be shown.
  • It would be ~really~ cool to be able to pull up a diff for any file that is about to be committed.

I would strongly suggest that anyone using the plugin update to the latest code. I would also ~really~ appreciate feedback. If find a bug or there is a feature you want to see, drop me a line.

Hopefully later in the weekend, I will post new screenshots and an updated DMG.

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