pithy title here


New SCPlugin DMG is posted

There is a new Disk Image available of SCPlugin. Its v151, fresh from the latest build this morning. I strongly urge anyone who was using the old code to grab the new image. It's been a while since I updated the image, and it was quite stale.

There are a couple of ways to get the new files:

Visit: http://homepage.mac.com/pavicich

Or visit grab it from my public folder: In the Finder, select iDisk -> Other User's Public Folder, and type in pavicich.


Jonathan and I have set up some milestones and have started using the defect tracker at the project homepage. I am not sure if other users can enter defects yet, but everyone can see what we have entered.

The plan is to have a our initial Subversion support nailed down by Beta 1. Beta 2 will be focusing on CVS. Between Beta 2 and first release we are hoping to just limit ourselves to defect resolution and cosmetic fixes. The target date of the full initial release is slated for WWDC (End of June).

That's it for now. Your feedback is ALWAYS appreciated, please send it to cmp@tigris.org.

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